Author: Bobby H

Spring Is Here, Eat This!

Spring already feels like it's here in some states and in others it still seems weeks away. But the truth is, the first day of Spring is tomorrow. And to get you prepared for it, we're giving you the top 10 superfoods of Spring. CLICK...

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Spring Allergy Woes May End With This!

The newest weapon to fight allergies may be upon us but allergists aren't too sure. "The devices are sort of like contact lenses you can put up your nose." That's the quote we've pulled from this week's article about a small device you insert in...

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What Hearing Loss Could Lead To

If you know someone who is losing their hearing due to old age, you know they aren't just going to admit it (my mother won't) and get their hearing check. However, you should raise some concern if there seems to be a problem with your...

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Health Insurance Deadline Approaches

Today, March 10th, is exactly three weeks away from March 31st? Why is this important? Because March 31st is the last day you can sign up for health coverage (if you don't have any) without getting penalized. So what do you need to know before...

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Fun Ways To Stay Healthy

Did you know that singing may prevent you from getting the flu? And would you have ever thought hugging someone may help you from getting sick? CLICK HERE to read some interesting ways to boost your immune system this cold and flu season....

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