In The News

Are You Addicted To Oreos?

Who doesn't love eating Oreos? Dunking that little black cookie into a cold glass of milk is delicious! But are Oreos as addictive as cocaine? To read the article, CLICK HERE. ...

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Stop Throwing Away Food!

We’ve all been there, we pull out milk, see the ‘use by’ date and dump it sometimes before smelling it. Americans throw away 34 million tons of food every year because of these dates. Food experts are now trying wanting people to reconsider before throwing...

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Tracking Medical Devices

The FDA is now requiring most medical devices to have a unique code that can be tracked. With this new rule it is believed that this will help doctors identify recalled devices in their patients. The new rule will be implemented next year starting with...

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Sugar is Toxic to Your Health

[caption id="attachment_388" align="alignright" width="309"] Courtesy of via Google Images.[/caption] Not only is sugar toxic to your health, but a new study also found that it might even be toxic to your sex life. The University of Utah conducted a study in which scientists examined how...

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